Ganley Family

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

These are some pics of Jackson's 8-10 months. He is in his mad scientist mode. He has been crawling everywhere. He is a boy on the go. He loves patting the window and talking to himself in the window. Everything goes into his mouth. He love to eat!! Anything I give him is devoured quickly!!!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Just some extras!!

Here are some extra pictures of life, Dan with our sweet lil babies and Jackson my tired little man!

Fun time with Friends

Our friends Neil and Laura and Sally came for a visit last week. As you can see we had a super terrific time. Sally had fun feeding neuman and got to feel like what it might be liked to be popsicle, licked! :) JP and Neil had a good time just being guys and Daddys. It was also really great ot be able to bond wiht Laura. We truely have a friendship given to us from God and we are so blessed to have Ninos together!

Hi Family, these are some pics from pokagan and Christmas. We enjoyed our time wiht you guys. THe kiddos look so cute in the swimming pool!


Monday, February 16, 2009

THis is Jacksons Christmas pics that I have yet to post. He got his pic with santa and then hung out with his cousin Lia!

Jacson at 7 months

This is Jackson at 7 months. So cute huh. He was at his nannies house. He has gotten a real baseball hat to wear! He looks so cute

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Noel with her leg up

These are Photos of our 5 year old grandson, Tayvain.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sleepy boy!

This is a pic of Jacksons new hat bought for him by his Aunt Karen. He will be warm this winter. Jackson has started eating food. He is eating rice cerial, veges and applesauce. He is also learning how to put himself to sleep. He has started waking up at night nad doesnt know what to do with himself, so its time for Jackson to learn the hard way. He put himself to sleep in his crib today it only took 45 min of playing and a little crying. THanks Laura for your support!!!! We will make it!!

Thanksgiving in Ohio!!

We got to go to Ohio for THanksgiving. My Dad also turned 60 and we had a little celebration for him. Jackson and Noel got to share time in the swing. Noel is relaxing with PaPa. The sweetest thing is Tayvian got under the play mat with Noel and Jackson and read them a Bernstein bear book. He knows all hte words by heart. He is not reading quite yet but is very smart boy! We had a great time with them.

Daddy and Me time

This is daddy and me time. Jackson now like playing in the "Control station". Laura and Neil and Sally gave us that name. He is enjoying playing with his toys.