Ganley Family

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jackson is trying out Papa Ts hat. This weekend we helped out PaPa T by unloading the moving truck that he brought back from Texas. We got it unloaded, it took a lot of work. Jackson was a great help, he slept in his swing for 2 hours while we were able to get some work done.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lil Pumpkin

Jackson has been wearing his little pumpkin outfit for October, gotta love walmart. Nana and Pop Pop came to visit last week, Jackson is how holding up his head while on his belly really well. He also turned from his belly back to his back for the first time tonight. He has been rolling over from his back to his belly for a few weeks now. Happy Autumn. It is officially fall now.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sleepy baby!

This is of Jackson sleeping. I call him a power napper. He is sleeping in his crib at night. Sometime he wakes up at night and sometimes he sleeps until early in the morning. We are so blessed by God for giving us this little blessing.
We enjoy being parents and want to raise this child so that He will serve God. As for our lives. JP is done coaching girls Golf. He had a great time with that. He is teaching Spanish at Ft Zumwalt High school and enjoying his second year teaching. I jsut started a new job at St Josephs health center. I now work 3 days a week. This hospital is only 20 min away as opposed to the hour I was driving. I look forward to keeping up with this blog so everyone can know hte Turners are alive and well!! :)

Jackson's first swim!

This is pics of Jackson's first swim at the pool. We went on a family vacation at the beach in South Carolina at Hilton Head. The other pics are just of this cute little guy God has blessed us with.

These are a few Random pics from the Turner World. The first one is of 3 generation of Turner men. They have been having a lot of good quality time since Papa T moved back to St. Louis. THe second is one of me in Iraq. It seems like such a long time ago. There are a lot of pics on the jumpdrive of Iraq so I decided to put one on the blog. And then the tribute to Laura and Neil who faithfully check our blog waiting for posts. so here they are!!!

Below is also Jackson being a huge Cardinals fan. He is starting out young. He likes to watch baseball with his Daddy also. He actually watches. There is also a picture of His Nana and Pop-pop. THey have come to visit him a few times. They just left last week. My dad got a lot done for us. We always have projects for him to do. He hung a light in my bathroom, stripped wallpapaer and painted Jackson's room, planted trees, helped JP move a work bench and hung a curtain rod for us. We are so thankful for his work. My mom and I also made meals to freeze for when we have to work and dont feel like cooking.

Here are some pics that JP and I took of Jackson when he was about 4 months old. He has grown so much since then. He is now 4 months old.

Ok here's more of my sweet little man. Here is one of Nannie and PaPa T and Jackson. I think he is about 2 months old. The ones of him and JP are about 4 weeks old. One one of me and Jp and Jackson is one of our first family pictures!

Jackson pre birth comments

This is Jackson before he was born. This was also his first picture showing his at 8 lbs 9 oz. The next picturei s of him at his first bath with me holding him. He cried at end of his bath! :) He now likes his bath, he doesn't cry and he doesn't splash yet but I am waiting for him to start that.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jackson Pre Birth

Turn around on the Blog Site

Well friends and family it is time for this blog site to get going again. I am going to start posting pics of my little boy!