Ganley Family

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sarah with Danna at their Appartment

This is Sarah and Danna standing in front of their new appartment in Ashville, NC
Her new address is:

Sarah Ganley
110 B La Manchia Dr.
Asheville, NC 28805

She still has the same old e-mail address



  • Which one is Sarah's Apartment?----Rue

    By Blogger GanleyGang, at 6:26 PM  

  • Ruth,
    The appartment directly behind them. TJ

    By Blogger GanleyGang, at 8:12 PM  

  • Which one is Sarah? Joy

    By Blogger GanleyGang, at 11:25 PM  

  • Is sarah standing in a hole? :) jp

    By Blogger GanleyGang, at 10:37 AM  

  • your funny jp... not!!! miss you all

    By Blogger GanleyGang, at 10:59 PM  

  • sarah, don't you know it's rude not to stand up for a picture? oh wait, you were!! :)j/k. Look forward to seeing you soon and trying some new dishes!

    By Blogger SR. TURNER, at 12:53 PM  

  • Joy, here I was all excited that you got your own blog, only to click on it and find.....NOTHING!! I hope you have clicked on mine and looked at it! :)

    By Blogger SR. TURNER, at 12:50 PM  

  • Dad I don't think i like this picture it makes me look fat

    By Blogger GanleyGang, at 11:12 PM  

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